Parabhairavayoga Foundation
Discover your Freedom


Welcome to the Parabhairavayoga Foundation Website in English. On this site you will find all the information regarding the community, activities and news of Parabhairavayoga in the world. Also, you will find images, videos, schedules and days of Satsaṅga-s, and much more! Stay tuned for the news that we will update every week. It is a pleasure to be able to share all this information with you. May it be very useful and beneficial to you!
Iti śivam: May there be welfare for all!

"Goal of life is Liberation. Man has always searched for freedom in human history, but according to Trika Shaivism that is not real Liberation. Real Liberation does not mean that your body should be free from some prison and things like that. Real Liberation amounts to attaining His Svātantrya or Absolute Freedom. When the Great Lord's Svātantrya is achieved, then you see unity in all the things, i.e. you stop seeing duality as before. All is forever identified with Svātantrya, with Him, and that is the end of the story called 'you in bondage'. From this point on nothing will get in your way, because if something apparently gets in your way, that is Svātantrya again. This constant awareness of unity in all is real Freedom. There is no other attainment greater than this!"
- Guru Gabriel Pradīpaka
What is Parabhairavayoga?
Parabhairavayoga is something like Trika Shaivism (Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir) simplified, for the attainment of Liberation as quickly as possible. Although Trika Shaivism is made up of four philosophical schools, Parabhairavayoga places emphasis on only two of them. Why was this done? Because Trika Shaivism is a universe of scholarly knowledge that not everyone can access. To give access to more people, especially in the West, Parabhairavayoga was created.
The mission of Parabhairavayoga is to make people discover their Own Freedom.

This world is mostly influenced by the dualistic point of view. In other words, living creatures are considered separate and different from God. In this way, they go through tremendous and unnecessary suffering.
According to Trika (Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir), nothing can ever be distinct or separate from God, because He is everything and the entire Creation is Him. This is not pantheism, for Trika says that God is all of us and We are all God, not a part of Him. He lives as a “Whole” in every part of His Creation. This idea can be controversial, as all new ideas undoubtedly are. It is controversial because it shakes the egocentric structure of man and produces a revolution in him. Before discarding new ideas, man should study them carefully. Therefore, all these new ideas - so to speak, since Trika is more than 1,000 years old - postulated by the Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir, must first be analyzed and then accepted or discarded. This would be a wise behavior.
Despite the aforementioned unity, man has somehow forgotten this truth, has forgotten his divine nature and fallen into ignorance. People are going through tremendous suffering due to ignorance. Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir is a path of salvation for humanity. Of course, it is not the only one. Since lifespan is short and philosophical systems are gigantic, it is recommended choosing one. Trika (the triple system - a short name for Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir) is a revolutionary philosophical system. Trika and many other philosophical systems explain this process of forgetting in different ways. You can read the explanation of Trika in the "Articles" section.
Trika (Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir) was born in Kashmir, a province in northern India, in the 9th century. As the true meaning contained in the Tantra-s (ancient spiritual books) was being distorted, the Supreme Being Himself, who is called Śiva in this philosophical system, opened the mind of Vasugupta (a sage who lived in Kashmir at that time). Then Śiva told him to look for some aphorisms engraved on a rock. These aphorisms were called "Śivasūtra-s": "the Aphorisms (sūtra-s) of Śiva (the Auspicious One)". Since Śiva, the Supreme Being within us all, did not want the Secret Tradition to be interrupted, He told Vasugupta in a dream that the Secret Esoteric Teaching is found under a large stone on the Mahādeva mountain. The Secret Tradition was composed of all the true teachers who had taught the real Tantric meaning. And now, due to the increasing distortion occurring with the meanings contained in those sacred books, the Tantra-s, Śiva Himself had to intervene. Vasugupta woke up, remembered the dream and went to the place where the big stone was supposed to be. He found it, and after turning it over with a mere touch of his hand, confirmed his dream.

Vasugupta obtained a set of 77 aphorisms which were called "The Aphorisms of Śiva, Śivasūtra-s". The Śivasūtra-s constitute a very important scripture in Trika literature. Vasugupta taught those sacred aphorisms to his disciples: Kallaṭa and others, who were fit to receive Divine Grace. In turn, these disciples taught them to their own disciples and so on... In this way, an immense literature emerged. Vasugupta fulfilled His command, and thanks to this, now we can enjoy the Esoteric Teaching found in this great stone.

The word "Trika" means triple. One interpretation suggests that Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir is called Trika or “Three-fold System” because it analyzes the nature of Śiva, Śakti and nara: Śiva is God, Śakti is the 'I-consciousness' of God, and nara is the individual (the human being). Trika teaches that: Śiva, Śakti and nara are not different from each other. In short, Man and God are one and the same. In fact, only the Supreme Being, known as Śiva in this philosophical system, is the Being of the entire universe. There is no difference between Śiva (God) and His Śakti ('I-consciousness' of God). God Is and knows that He Is. There is no difference at all. On the other hand, Śiva is a name for the static aspect of God, while Śakti is a name for the dynamic aspect of God. So, Śiva-Śakti is Freedom Itself.
The bases of Trika

Trika Scriptures
Online Study Guides
Access these free Guides to learn about Philosophy and Meditation in Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir!
Visit our YouTube Channel

Trika Shaivism - Guru Gabriel Pradīpaka
Trika Shaivism - Guru Gabriel Pradīpaka

Satsaṅga - June 12 - 2016 - In Spanish

Satsaṅga - February 27 - 2016 - In Spanish

Satsaṅga - December 15 - In Spanish

Satsaṅga - November 20 - 2015 - In Spanish
Last News!

We are meeting every Saturday at 4pm (Moscow time).
To participate in the Satsaṅga-s you only have to speak fluent Spanish or English.
You are all welcome!
We are pleased to announce the auspicious project of forming an Āśrama in Buenos Aires, Argentina! Its purpose is to provide all those aspirants who wish to dedicate their lives to Liberation with refuge.
In order for this mission to be carried out, we need to raise a large amount of funds in order to cover the costs for the construction of the Āśrama.
Gurujī continues to compose the Vāstavāhantāpravacanam - A Discourse on the
Real I.
You can follow the process of this writing while it is published by clicking on the following link:

News Updated on 12/29/2024
Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism
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