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The key in Śāmbhavopāya

Writer's picture: parabhairavayogaparabhairavayoga

Gurujī commenting on his book “Parabhairavayogābhyāsāḥ” or “Practices in Parabhairavayoga” (Lesson 39)

“After making the mind free from all support, that is, free from all vikalpa-s or thoughts, the Yogī should not function through vikalpa-s or thoughts. Then, oh Deer-eyed One, Bhairava as the State of the Supreme Self in the individual self appears...”

Gurujī: So the key in Śāmbhavopāya is to be free from thoughts. Any method that brings the mind to a thought-free state leads to Śāmbhavopāya.

“After making the mind free from external and internal support, when the power of ideation does not function, then Bhairava Himself as the State of the Supreme Self in the individual self appears…”

“The state of the individual self functions through the power of ideation and the State of Brahma functions through the state devoid of vikalpa-s or thoughts. For this reason, the Yogī should not function through vikalpa-s or thoughts.”

Gurujī: The actual translation of “vikalpa” is very deep, it is something “artificially made”, it is beyond the normal translation “thought”, its meaning is more complex. But for convenience and comfort, we translate vikalpa as thought.

Bhairava/Śiva does not think, He perceives without thoughts. When Bhairava or Śiva thinks, He becomes ego. Puruṣa also does not think. In the 12th tattva there are no thoughts. Puruṣa is pure, contracted consciousness, without thoughts. Thoughts appear at the level of ego. And when vikalpa appears, it is the end of Bliss. To regain Bliss you have to become thoughtless, that is the trick. When you remove the vikalpa-s, you enter into a state called nirvikalpa.

Having attained many states of Nirvikalpa during all my years in Yoga, I can tell you that the real Nirvikalpa was the one He produced in me at the time of Liberation. That was the real Nirvikalpa. You cannot attain that Nirvikalpa through a technique. The quality of the Nirvikalpa produced by Him is superior, because He made it. When you make it, it is “made in China”. Whatever the limited individual makes by effort is “made in China”. When He makes it, it is of good quality.

So in my whole life, the real Nirvikalpa was once, at the time of Liberation, and then the rest of the nirvikalpas that I made on my own were not like His Nirvikalpa. Because He is Great naturally. When He moves, it is significant.

(Continuing with the scripture…)

“The superimposition of Māyā on Brahma indicated by Advaitavedānta is totally false in the case of Bhairava, because He (Bhairava) is also Māyā, that is to say, all the vikalpa-s or thoughts are Bhairava too.” This is the truth.

“Moreover, even assuming the superimposition of the not Self consisting of vikalpa-s over Bhairava, this is impossible as well because Bhairava is extremely big and vikalpa extremely small." These small thoughts cannot be superimposed upon Brahma.

Gurujī: So the question that naturally arises is: Why do we have to remove the vikalpa-s if the vikalpa-s are also Bhairava? The answer is: because this is the Play.

To realize that all vikalpa-s are Bhairava, you have to first realize Bhairava without vikalpa-s. After realizing Bhairava without vikalpa-s, you are going to realize Bhairava with vikalpa-s, that is the rule.

He invented this. Who is He, Bhairava? You! Not the “psychological self”. You, the Real I, invented this rule. Then you forgot it. That is why now Bhairava asks, “Why should the vikalpa-s be removed?” It is just a joke.

It is just as if you know that you are about to go mad, so before you go mad you write a letter to yourself in the future. In the letter it says, “To escape from madness, you have to go to a psychiatrist, you have to take pills… etc.” You wrote this when you were sane. Then, in madness, you forgot it. But one day you come across this writing. Well, the same thing happens when you come across the Śivasūtra-s. You wrote them. Then, you come across them in this state of madness under the effect of the wine of ignorance and you read: “Consciousness with Absolute Freedom to know and do everything is the Self or true nature of Reality” – you wrote it! when you were sane. When you became insane for many lives, for a thousand births, you forgot it.

So, when after having followed all the rules and precepts of the Guru, you get Liberation… you realize all this and remember that you had designed this whole trick!

So what is this temporary madness? It is Saṁsāra, the play, the sport of the Lord!

So whatever you see, whatever you experience, all this is Bhairava. Now the vikalpa-s have to be removed… And why do the vikalpa-s have to be removed? Because of the rules you wrote! By following these rules, you escape from all the rules, and ultimately you recover!

Link to watch the full video on YouTube:

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